How to deal with Migraines?

A migraine is not just a headache. It can have a range of effects from mild to severe. It produces a throbbing pain on one side of the head only.

Nausea, vomiting, trouble sensing light or sound, and occasional visual disturbances are important symptoms of this migraine.

Both genetic and environmental factors are important factors in migraine headaches. One in five women and one in fifteen men suffer from migraines.

It is believed that women are more likely to suffer from migraines due to the hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual cycle. These migraines are referred to as ‘catamenial’ migraines.


Migraine sufferers have reported frequent migraines after eating cottage cheese, foods with tyramine.

Types of Migraine

There are many types of migraine. Some of them have specific characteristics and some have no characteristics. Migraine symptoms with specific characteristics include visual disturbances that produce sudden flashes of light, blurred vision, etc.

Sometimes these specific symptoms are followed by migraine headaches. The impact of migraine varies from person to person. Some people experience migraine attacks several times in a week. For some people it happens at intervals of months or years.

Method of treatment

There is no cure for migraine headaches. But pain relievers can help control migraines to some extent.

Pain relievers can be taken as prescribed by doctors before a full blown migraine occurs, ie as soon as symptoms appear. However, there is a high chance that the headache will come back even if you take too many pills for some time. Migraines can be controlled with lifestyle changes and appropriate medical advice.

What causes it?

The exact cause of migraine is still not understood. It is defined as abnormal brain activity that affects the blood vessels of the brain. But,

Why and how this occurs is not yet clear.

Other issues

Low blood sugar and hormonal changes associated with menstruation are common causes of migraine headaches. Also, mood related problems like stress, mental fatigue can also cause migraines.

Some people take sleeping pills that cause migraines. Some people get migraines due to lack of sleep and irregular diet.


For these migraine sufferers, it is best to keep a diary. They can keep writing in this diary after doing something that gives them a headache. It will help them to make changes in their lifestyle and practice.

What can be done?

Migraine sufferers report that identifying triggers and avoiding them is the best way to deal with migraines.

Some have reported that resting in a dark, quiet room has been helpful when suffering from a migraine.

Sometimes, applying an ice pack to the back of the neck can help reduce pain. Some people find a cold shower helpful.

Above all, it is important to know when to seek immediate medical advice. Paralysis, weakness on one side of the body, slurred speech are alarming symptoms.

 Also, a sudden blackout headache can be caused by a brain hemorrhage. Neck spasms and rashes along with headaches can be caused by encephalitis. In such situations, it is important to seek medical advice immediately rather than ignoring it as a regular headache.

Black fennel is the dreaded death

A study found that consuming a quarter-teaspoon of black cumin seeds daily reduced blood pressure by eight points in four weeks.

Our nose is AC

Our nose acts like an air conditioner in our body. Warms the cold air. Cools hot air. The nose also works to filter out pollutants.

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