Thyroid – Problems and Remedy

Our physiology and external appearance are determined by the mixing of endocrine secretion water called thyroid, which is located like a butterfly’s wing cover in the throat, below the larynx, and centered on the trachea. The secretions of T-3 (Triiodothyroine) and T-4 (Thyroxine) which are stimulated according to the function of the pituitary make the thyroid secrete. Just as our movement and appearance are determined by the amount of thyroid mixed in the blood, the amount of iodine in the blood is also determined by the amount it secretes.


The amount of iodine in the blood is determined by the amount of minerals in the water from the soil where we live. In some parts of the world, the amount of iodine in the blood is insufficient to stimulate the pituitary because the mineral levels are extremely low. Therefore, the thyroid also does not secrete enough.

Hypothyroidism leads to muscle weakness and frequent fatigue. When fatigue occurs, the contractility of the muscles decreases and the excretory functions such as stool, urine, and sweat slow down. In particular, constipation occurs. Constipation causes the body heat to lose its normal temperature and the feeling of coldness that other people do not experience.
Due to excessive coldness inside and outside, there is disturbance in metabolism and unwanted weight gain.

Abnormal weight gain can lead to dry and rough skin. Some people develop thickening of the skin and black nodules like warts, especially on the shoulders and neck. Younger women may also experience hair growth in areas such as the navel and under the nose.

Lack of minerals in the diet is also a primary factor in hypothyroidism along with land-water factors. Not eating green vegetables in particular can lead to iodine deficiency. Consuming starchy, highly palatable foods will automatically lead to less appetite for mineral-rich foods.


The World Health Organization recommended adding iodine to salt for thyroid secretion based on a study of frequent thyroid problems in coastal residents. But the problem of hyperthyroidism started to resurface after iodine was added to the salt as opposed to the previously chronic hypothyroidism.

Hyperthyroidism caused by excess nutrients in the body or chemical additions to the body through drugs and food causes abnormal effects. Both men and women are likely to experience tension, irritability, a rush to finish anything quickly, trembling fingers, always hot skin surface, hair fall. Women in particular are prone to delayed or frequent menopause.

Physiologists say that excessive consumption of chemicals can also cause overstimulation of the thyroid. Staying up late at night can overheat the body and cause the thyroid to overstimulate. Since thyroid secretion is related to many other secretions of the body, any attempt to control it unnaturally from the outside will have unintended consequences. If you start taking thyroid medication on a permanent basis, the body will start to have side effects that you have never seen before.

What to do?

Thyroid secretion should be kept within proper limits. For that, we need to make the kidney, which is the source of water, and the liver, which is the source of secretions, work at full capacity. But in our modern lifestyle, nothing is chemical-free, from the toothpaste we brush our teeth in the morning to the milk that is believed to be sacred. Due to this, the kidneys and liver are not able to function at their full capacity and no secretions including the thyroid are produced normally.

One should try to improve health by keeping the secretions in balance by following a natural lifestyle such as taking the right foods and not skipping a night’s sleep as much as possible.

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